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Sales Of Goods Act cover

Sales Of Goods Act

Instructor: Prabhanshu Sir

Language: English

Available on Android & iOS

This course consists of Video Classes of The Sales of Goods Act Prelims  Course. This  subjects is very important for Judiciary Exams. Each topic, is covered keeping in view the requirement of Prelims Exam. These Videos were recorded while taking offline classes and online live classes. After recording videos were edited and unneccessary parts were removed. Thereafter, these videos were uploaded to the app. Therefore, these videos are as effective as offline classes or online live classes. Notes in PDF format are attached with the videos.

You can watch these videos as per your convenience of time. You are advised to download the videos well before your time of study. So that no inconvenience is caused to you due to poor network.

In case of any doubt you may contact us on +919205988280/81/82.

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