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Limitation Act Introduction
Limitation Act Section.1 & 2 Short title, extent and commencement-Definitions Notes
Limitation Act Section 1 & 2 Short title, extent and commencement - Definitions
Limitation Act Section 3-6 Bar of limitation-Legal disability BA Notes
Limitation Act Section.3 Bar of limitation
Limitation Act Section.4-5 Expiry of prescribed period when court is closed- Extension of prescribed period in certain cases
Limitation Act Section.6 Legal disability
Limitation Act Section.7 Disability of one of several persons BA Notes
Limitation Act Section.7 Disability of one of several persons
Limitation Act Section.8 Special Exception BA Notes
Limitation Act Section.8 Special exceptions
Limitation Act Section.9 Continuous running of time Notes
Limitation Act Section.9 Continuous running of time Part-1
Limitation Act Section.9 Continuous running of time Part-2
Limitation Act Section.10 Suits against trustees & their representatives Notes
Limitation Act Section.10 Suits against trustees and their representatives Part-1
Limitation Act Scetion.10 Suits against trustees and their representatives Part-2
Limitation Act Section.11 Suits on contracts entered into outside the territories to which the Act extends Notes
Limitation Act Section.13 & 11 Exclusion of time in cases where leave to sue or appeal as a pauper is applied for - Suits on contracts entered into outside the territories to which the Act extends
Limitation Act Section.12 Exclusion of time in legal proceedings Notes
Limitation Act Section.12 Exclusion of time in legal proceedings
Limitation Act Section.13-14 Exclusion of time in cases where leave to sue or appeal as a pauper is applied for - Exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in court without jurisdiction Detailed Notes
Limitation Act Section.14 Exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in court without jurisdiction
Limitation Act Section.15 Exclusion of time in certain other cases Notes
Limitation Act Section.15 Exclusion of time in certain other cases
Limitation Act Section.16-17 Effect of death on or before the accrual of the right to sue - Effect of fraud or mistake Notes
Limitation Act Section.16 Effect of death on or before the accrual of the right to sue
Limitation Act Section.17 Effect of fraud or mistake Part-1
Limitation Act Section.17 Effect of fraud or mistake Part-2
Limitation Act Section15 - Section.30 Exclusion of time in certain other cases - Provisions as to barred or pending suits, etc. for prelims point of view
Limitation Act Section.18 Effect of acknowledgement in writing Notes
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Limitation Act Hindi Notes Part 1
Limitation Act Hindi Notes Part 2